M/S. Girish Chandra Ghosh & G.G.S
Govt. Approved License Manufacturer / Repairer & DealerGovt. Approved Calibrator of Storage Tank of Petroleum, Chemical, Oil, Other Liquid Storage Tanks, Manufacturer of Weighing Machines and Complete Weighing Solution, Peg Measure. Leading Storage Tank Calibrator & Surveyor, N.D.T Inspection work, Inspection Survey & P.I Diagram in
India & Abroad
Tank Calibration is the process of accurately determining the capacity or partial capacities of a tank and expressing this capacity as a volume for a given linear increment or height of liquid. In other words tank calibration also means measuring storage tanks, horizontal bullets, spherical tanks, vats, casks, barges, ship tanks and liquid bulk containers. These measurements provide the necessary dimensions for calculation of calibration charts. At its simplest, a calibration of any vessel requires knowledge of the nominal dimensions of the vessel from which the volume may be calculated. For a water tank this may be enough and you probably will not need to call in a specialist tank calibrator.
At the other end of the scale, if you are selling a product on the basis of tank levels, a tank can be measured precisely and calculations can be made to take into account factors such as hydrostatic expansion of the tank during filling and thermal expansion of the tank shell in service.
For most situations in India or anywhere in the world where you are selling from a tank or where duties are levied on tank contents you will need to have a tank calibrated by a suitably certified tank calibrator. For the purposes of this exercise we shall assume that you have decided that you do require a precise calibration of your tank.

To ascertain gain or loss in sales, purchases to provide only reliable means of maintaining adequate control over the storage & distribution & stock keeping & in industrial production process control, as Oils, chemicals & its allied products are very costly items business & service render from it.Profit & Loss depends on accuracy of ship tank or barge storage tank calibration work.
Ship tanks and barge tank calibration can now be done quickly and with the utmost accuracy at all levels using the Internal Electro-Optical Distance Ranging Method by using laser scanning and an extremely accurate and fast scanner supported by a powerful software. It is ideal for every ship, but especially for floating storage vessels, delivery barges, chemical tankers, bunker tanks etc, where accuracy is of utmost importance
No matter the shape of the tank or the deadwood inside, you can have tables accurate at any level. List and trim corrections are calculated accurately without the approximations and restrictions of the old style trigonometric methods Field measurements can be done in hours; hence there is no need to have your vessel waiting days to be calibrated.
Our skill and understanding of every tank detail and the ability to incorporate them into final tables makes us stand out among the crowd. We use the most accurate, reliable and fastest laser measurement systems available. International Method followed: API MPMS
Final calibration tables in ullage and innage (sounding) are made along with correction for ship "List" and "Trim", which is very essential when ship is not on an even keel